Guest Post, Three Diets One Dinner: Vanilla-Cinnamon Pecan Butter

Wednesdays used to be our Guest Blogger Series day; but, there’s just so many new and wonderful Paleo and real-food bloggers out there that we’ve expanded our series. We hope you enjoy the new view points and unique content; if so, we encourage you to show these guest bloggers your support by visiting their blog and social media links at the end of this post!

Today we are visited by a new friend of ours that we met just one month ago at PaleoFX. Brittanie was the MC for all the cooking demos, so we saw her quite a bit when watching the likes of PaleOMG, Civilized Caveman, Primal Palate, and Against All Grain present their recipes. Then, when it was her turn,  her presentation featuring her adorable son making this completely delicious pecan butter blew us away.

Later that evening we dined with Brittainie at the farm-to-table dinner, and insisted that we had to feature it (and her) on our site! Of all the new people we met that weekend, we found Brittanie to be the nicest and most gracious of them all and sincerely encourage you to check out her unique blog where she prepares paleo meals for her non-paleo family. Since she’s an Austin, TX native, we look forward to seeing her at PaleoFX each year!


Vanilla-Cinnamon Pecan Butter

by Three Diets, One Dinner, a fellow paleo parent using culinary creativity to keep her family healthy

I am thrilled to be guest posting for the Paleo Parents today. I met them on stage at PaleoFX in Austin, where I directed the cooking demos. Stacy and Matt were so welcoming to me, even though my food processor failed during their presentation! Yikes! I am glad they still like me. (Note from Matt: TOTALLY NOT her fault! Even the greatest machine will fail if used for eight hours straight!)

As a paleo parent myself, I know that it isn’t always easy to eat paleo as a family!

The premise behind my blog, Three Diets, One Dinner, resonates with many individuals out there who do not have their family on board with the paleo thing. I started my blog as a way of chronicling my tips and tricks to tweak the paleo meals I was making for myself into meals my family could also enjoy. Three Diets, One Dinner is my way of providing flexible paleo recipes for your whole; family, without being a short order cook. I also employ ways to sneak vegetables into my son’s diet. If you are a mom like me who can’t seem to keep yourself on track with your paleo goals because your family doesn’t care about it at all, head on over to my blog where I share these ideas and recipes.

One of my two cooking demos at PaleoFX was a kid-friendly dish. My son joined me on stage to make this very simple Vanilla-Cinnamon Pecan Butter. I like to serve it with apple slices, carrot chips or with a spoon. My boys like it most in a smoothie with a banana, coconut milk and ice.

A mob of presenters came up to me backstage at PaleoFX just five minutes after this demo asking if they could taste some, however, it was already devoured. In fact, when someone asked me how long it lasts in the fridge, my honest response was “5-10 minutes, in my house.”   vanillapecanbutter2
Vanilla Cinnamon Pecan Butter


  • 1⁄2 cup raw pecans
  • 1⁄2 cup raw cashews
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
  • 1⁄2 ­ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Grind up the nuts in a food processor for 3­-4 minutes.
  2. When its clumpy and the machine starts to struggle, add in the remaining ingredients. The vanilla will thin out the mixture a little.
  3. Continue to process for another 4-5 minutes, until the pecan butter is smooth and spreadable.
  4. Serve on apples, carrots, celery or with a spoon, makes 1 cup.vanillapecanbutter3



Picture+5Brittanie Duncan is inspired by health, believing in the importance of being your best self though whole nutrition and fitness. She is an advocate of the Paleo lifestyle, encouraging a diet of organic meats, vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds. She has seen enormous health benefits with this lifestyle. However, like many, her family’s different diets are not in perfect harmony. To keep her sanity at mealtimes, she developed some tips and tricks to satisfy three healthy diets with one dinner. features healthy, paleo recipes the whole family can enjoy She co-founded Paleo Pen Pals, a nationwide network of like-minded paleo chefs and bloggers, swapping ingredients and recipes monthly. She was the Food and Beverage Director at PaleoFX 2013 in Austin, Texas. Picture+4

Brittanie hosts Paleo cocktail parties and Paleo 101 seminars in Texas for those interested in learning more about healthy cooking and living. Contact her at threedietsonedinner(at)gmail(dot)com for more information!
Brittanie’s first cookbook, “It’s Paleo, Y’all,” features recipes inspired by Texas, including BBQ, Tex-Mex, Cajun and Southern Comfort foods. It is due out in Summer, 2013.

Twitter: @3dietsonedinner

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