Guest Post, The Primalist: Salted Chocolate Coconut Stacks

This week we’re visited by the Primalist, a Paleo/Primal blogger from Vancouver, Canada. When she first came across the notion of Paleo/Primal back in 2010, the information just clicked. It strongly resonated with her that our ancestors only ate foods that they could hunt and gather, and that those are the foods that our bodies are built to consume – when we stray from our traditional diets of real food, sooner or later our health suffers.

The Primalist firmly believes that one of the best ways to take control of our health is to prepare our own foods. Her blog is filled with Paleo/Primal recipes, from bone marrow to cheesecake. She also swears by batch cooking,and spending a few hours every Sunday preparing meals for the rest of the week. To share how fun and easy this healthy lifestyle is, she documents her foodie adventures on her blogTwitterFacebookInstagram, and Pinterest.

Today The Primalist joins us to share her brilliant creation, Salted Chocolate Coconut Stacks. The recipe is simple, can involve the assistance of kiddos, and insanely delicious sounding. I already have plans to whip up a batch this weekend! 😉 


My favorite recipes are those where very few ingredients combine to make something magical. And this is such a recipe. When you pop one of these salted chocolate coconut stacks in your mouth, and experience the salty, crunchy, chocolatey goodness, you’ll expect the recipe to be complicated, or for there to be some secret ingredient. Prepare for your mind to be blown: 3 ingredients, one of which is salt. The other two are coconut flakes and chocolate. So, all three ingredients are healthy, paleo, and probably in your kitchen pantry right now…



These irresistible treats are simply salted coconut chips en-robed in dark chocolate, and yet they taste like
so much more. And dare I say they’re pretty much guilt-free? These are one of my favorite snacks, and I hope you enjoy them!

Guest Post, The Primalist: Salted Chocolate Coconut Stacks

Yield: 30 stacks

Guest Post, The Primalist: Salted Chocolate Coconut Stacks



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Place the coconut flakes on a parchment lined baking sheet. Sprinkle the flakes with salt and toss to combine. Spread the flakes out evenly in a single layer. Place the baking sheet in the oven, and toast the coconut flakes just until they become golden, approximately 2-3 minutes.
  3. Decide whether you want to temper the chocolate. I highly recommend it, as it means the chocolate won’t melt in your hand, and the stacks can be left out at room temperature. But I do realize it’s a pretty fussy step, so don’t let having to temper chocolate stop you from making these. These are some great instructions on how to temper chocolate.
  4. Prepare a parchment lined baking sheet for the coconut stacks.
  5. Either temper the chocolate, or melt it (stirring constantly) in a Pyrex bowl over a pot of boiling water (make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water). Remove the bowl from the pot.
  6. Gently stir all of the toasted coconut flakes (leaving behind any remaining salt) into the melted or tempered chocolate, making sure all of the coconut flakes are completely coated.
  7. Using a tablespoon, scoop out small clusters of chocolate covered coconut flakes and place them on the parchment lined baking sheet, forming small stacks.
  8. Allow to cool at room temperature. Then sprinkle a small amount of salt on top of each stack.
  9. If the chocolate has been tempered, keep the stacks on the kitchen counter – it’ll take them a few hours to set completely (do not put these in the fridge – neither to set nor to store, unless you live somewhere hot; it’s better to store them in a a cool, dry place). If the chocolate hasn’t been tempered, place the stacks in the fridge to set.

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