Guest Post, M=1: PaleoFX 2013 Recap

Wednesdays are our Guest Blogger Series day. We hope you enjoy the new view points and unique content; if so, we encourage you to show these guest bloggers your support by visiting their blog and social media links at the end of this post! This week we’re visited by Maggie of M=1, who is a member of the Paleo Parents Team. When Maggie realized she wouldn’t be attending PaleoFX a few months ago she offered to write a recap post for you of our trip, including sharing the friends, photos and links with everyone!

Please note, we would LOVE you to link up recap posts we missed in the comments, I know Primal Palate has a video coming soon that we can’t wait to share and I’m hoping that Mat LaLonde posts the nutrient density talk he wasn’t able to give. Both Diane from Balanced Bites and Stefani from Paleo for Women talked about being inspired to write from what they heard and learned at the conference, which I can’t wait to read when it comes out! When you’re able, I highly recommend watching the videos of Chris Kresser‘s awesome gut-brain axis presentation, Robb‘s talk about his work in Reno, and the Women’s Health Panel – they were all fantastic. And of course, we totally suggest you check out the live streaming of Stacy’s panels – Cave Kids and Journey of Transformation – as soon as it’s available!


Last week, hundreds flocked to Austin, Texas, for what was reportedly the world’s largest paleo convention: PaleoFX. Matt and Stacy were among the awesome presenters who led the three-day event, geeking out over ancestral health, reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and of course eating some seriously delicious food.

Matt and Stacy with the Austin skyline, taken by Bill Staley. (Photo courtesy of Primal Palate — click for source.)

If, like me, you weren’t lucky enough to experience the panels, the presentations, the cooking demos, the parties and the deliciousness first-hand, don’t despair. Thanks to the wonder that is social media, we could count on Matt, Stacy and many others to take us on a virtual ride.

Matt and Stacy, left, with all the Victory Belt family of authors! (Photo credit to George Bryant and Bill Staley – blogging photography’s a team effort!)

Here’s everything we missed at PaleoFX 2013, courtesy of our friends from around the paleosphere:

“Austin Texas and PaleoFX 2013,” by Joshua Weissman of Slim Palate

Joshua describes the drool-worthy food, and meeting his blogger idols-cum-friends for the first time.

Joshua with Michelle Tam of Nom Nom Paleo. (Photo courtesy of Slim Palate — click for source.)

Excerpt: “There were many incredibly attractive rustic and modern style restaurants that I stumbled upon. I wish I could have seen all of them but I didn’t get the chance. Another wonderful thing that I noticed is that sustainable and locally grown meat and vegetables are all incredibly supported in Austin, which I find incredibly respectful and amazing.”

“Paleo Fx Day 1,” by Hayley Mason and Bill Staley of Food Lover’s Primal Palate

Bill and Hayley revealed their upcoming book, “Gather,” to friends and fans at the conference, hit up the legendary La Barbecue and Salty Sow eateries, witnessed a bat colony in flight, and reconnected with friends old and new (I’m sensing a theme here).

Blogger friends waiting for bats! Taken by Bill Staley, who do you see? (Photo courtesy of Primal Palate — click for source.)

Excerpt: “As much as we loved hanging at the conference, we had to duck out and get some legit Texas barbecue, at La Barbecue… It looked like a sure thing that Hayley was NOT going to share with me, but I made her. :)

Stacy watching the bats with baby Ginger and Kelly of The Spunky Coconut.

Then the group expanded the next night at Lick, an ice cream parlor serving grass-fed and coconut milk ice cream!
Who don’t you see? (Photo courtesy of Primal Palate — click for source.)

“Paleo f(x): Austin Recap #1,” by Danielle Walker of Against All Grain

Highlights: Danielle’s cooking demo and a play-by-play of all the good eats (as well as a couple of disappointing meals).

Yum. (Photo courtesy of Against All Grain — click for source.)

Excerpt: “I was so nervous for my cooking demo. I planned to make my zucchini pasta with creamy alfredo sauce and felt like I may have been over ambitious for a 20 minute segment. My audience was so engaged though and they made it really easy on me. George and Juli demolished my food backstage which tells me it was good and I think I may feel comfortable enough to get in front of the camera and start recording some cooking videos for you all now!”

From left: Juli of PaleOMG, Danielle of Against All Grain, George of Civilized Caveman, and Stacy of Paleo Parents.

“Paleo Biscuits and Gravy” (a recap with bonus recipe), by Juli Bauer of PaleOMG

Highlights: Juli schools her male readers on what is and is not sexy. Lovers of Vibram Five Fingers, take note!

Excerpt: “So PaleoFx has been fun so far. I haven’t done much or listened to much, but I’ve met some bloggers and some food lovers. Those are the best kind of people. It’s just so intimidating. All these people know so much and I don’t even know how to find jeans that fit correctly.”

Matt and Stacy at the head of the “cool kids’ table,” as one Facebook commenter put it.

The food, the camaraderie, the comedy… What else did we miss?

The science, of course!

Three full days of panels featuring knowledge bombs by some of the top experts in the field of ancestral health, nutrition and fitness. While we can’t recreate the entire affair, the Paleo FX organizers are arranging for the presentations to be available for purchase via “video on demand.”

The schedule included talks by masterminds including Robb Wolf, Nora Gedgaudas, Dr. Terry Wahls, Dr. Paul Jaminet, Diane Sanfilippo and many others.

Topics ranged from paleo eating for athletes, to adrenal health and autoimmunity, to raising families and growing old while staying in tune with an ancestral lifestyle template. (Check out the whole line-up here.)

Another highlight of this year’s PaleoFX was all the big book reveals that took place. Bill and Hayley with “Gather.” Danielle with “Against All Grain.” And Matt and Stacy debuted the cover of “Beyond Bacon.”

Other upcoming releases include Jill Siciarelli’s “Fermented,” “The Paleo Approach,” by the Paleo Mom and Stacy’s podcast partner Sarah Ballantyne, The Paleo Chocolate Lovers Cookbook by Kelly Brozyna (The Spunky Coconut), Sarah Fragoso’s “Paleo Around the World: Italian Cuisine,”.

Matt and Stacy hosted a cooking demo together, this is an awesome “caption this” photo by David Holmes Photography (click for source.)

Whew, that’s a whole lot for three days. You know one thing we can re-create in the comfort of our own homes? Apple Pie Balls, the nut-free, kid-friendly snacks that Matt and Stacy demo-ed at the conference.

Apple Pie Balls by the Paleo Parents.

Did you attend Paleo FX? Tell us about your favorite part in the comments below and link up to any recaps we may have missed!

Related links:

2013: The Paleo View Podcast, Heading to Paleo FX

2012: “A Fly on the Wall in the Paleo (f)x Real World House” by Bobby Gill

Maggie Fazeli Farde on Paleo Parents

Maggie, who blogs at M=One and found the Paleo lifestyle through CrossFit, is the awesome force behind all of the drop down menus and categories now available to you (take a peek at the top menu bar under Recipes for the super simple sorting you get now!). We met Maggie through our meat-up and despite having an odd number of things not in common, we just hit it off! Must be her intoxicating smile and exuberant love of life. Maggie has a number of future guest posts scheduled, to include her unique perspective as a single girl living the lifestyle.

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