Guest Post: Black Bottom Cupcakes, Easy Paleo Meals by Kelly Brozyna

The Spunky Coconut was one of the first gluten-free, dairy-free food blogs we every followed. Stacy found Kelly’s amazingly creative blog when she was searching for dairy-free desserts while nursing, and we have been long time fans ever since. We’ve been very excited about each of her books now that she’s become a paleo blogger, including the Paleo Chocolate Lover’s Cookbook and Dairy-Free Ice Cream, and this newest one is no exception. Easy Paleo Meals is a great addition not just to your library, but to your life with plenty of new meal ideas for you to chew on! It’s refreshing that this book also covers her family story of recovery with real foods and it’s great that this book offers great real food recipes for real families! We asked her to share a favorite recipe from her new book, and black bottom cupcakes is certainly a great one!



Black Bottom Cupcakes Feature. Paleo Parents Guest Post: Black Bottom Cupcakes, Easy Paleo Meals

Hi and thanks for having me here! I’m a long time fan of Stacy and Matt and their adorable boys. The day we got their first cookbook was such a thrill!

My new cookbook, Easy Paleo Meals, 150 Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Family Favorites, is all about making life easier. In the first 100 pages before the recipes you will find sample meal plans for each season (including shopping lists) that are also available for download from my site, details on how to create your own meal plan, how to get your kitchen organized, and more.

Easy Paleo MEals, Paleo Parents Guest Post: Black Bottom Cupcakes, Easy Paleo Meals

Even though it saves you money, and prevents that “what am I going to make tonight?” kind of stress, meal planning is useless if the kids don’t like any of the recipes.

This is why I have an entire section in the front of the book dedicated to feeding children. It’s all about having a strategy and thinking ahead. What’s more, it’s about being happy, because when you and your little ones are happy, life is so much easier. In Easy Paleo Meals I give you the tools you need to make everyone happy.

Pages 100 through 378 are full of healthy real food recipes, including all of our family favorites, plus holiday recipes like Brined Turkey, Swedish Meatballs, Sweet Potatoes au Gratin, Green Bean Casserole, Salted Caramel Pecan Pie, Mint Chocolate Christmas Cake, and more.

On page 378 is my Natural Living appendix. This book isn’t just about food, it’s about our lifestyle, the stories behind why we eat this way, and why we think you should too. In this chapter are all of my favorite natural remedies for things like colds and flu, acid reflux, burns, cough, detox, menstrual issues, and more.

mix-and-book-giveaway, Paleo Parents Guest Post: Black Bottom Cupcakes, Easy Paleo Meals

But perhaps the most appealing feature of Easy Paleo Meals is the baking mixes. Whether you buy them pre-mixed or make the mixes yourself using the recipes in the book, there’s no doubt that having mixes on hand makes life easier. From Pizza & Bread, Scones & Pie Crust, and Pancakes & Muffins there are 20+ recipes that can be whipped up with the mixes in Easy Paleo Meals. And more are being added all the time, like the new Pumpkin Muffins recipe, now in my store!

I hope you enjoy these Black Bottom Cupcakes from Easy Paleo Meals as much as my family does! ♥, Kelly

Black-Bottom Cupcakes,



  1. Set the oven to 325?F and line a 12-well muffin pan with unbleached paper liners.
  2. In a blender, puree the ingredients for the filling until completely smooth. Set aside.
  3. Place the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and whisk to combine. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the wet ingredients with a handheld mixer, adding the melted coconut oil last, just before mixing. Add the dry ingredients to the wet, then mix again.
  4. Fill the muffin cups two-thirds full with the batter. Use the back of a spoon to spread the batter the rest of the way up the walls of each cup, creating a well in the center. Fill the wells with the cream cheese.
  5. Bake the cupcakes for about 25 minutes, until the tops are just set. Remove from the pan and let cool on the counter.
  6. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.


And now, here is your chance to win a copy of Easy Paleo Meals ANDDDD a bag of The Spunky Coconut’s Paleo Scones and Pie Crust Mix!!

To enter follow the instructions below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We’ll pick and announce the winner in one week, and don’t forget to follow Matt’s giveaway rules!

  1. Please use a valid email address when entering. I cannot use my dowsing rods to attempt to find which bytes form your contact address!
  2. Please respond within 48 hours or I will have to pick a new winner! I have a certain set of skills that make me a nightmare to people who don’t respond: the ability to randomly draw again.
  3. Please be a US or Canada resident. My mana is too low to cast a Teleportation Spell!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hi! I’m Kelly, and I began to study nutrition in 2004 when my oldest girls were very young. My nutritionist worked with me to radically change their diet by removing gluten, casein, and refined sugar. My husband and I soon realized that their our own health problems could be resolved as well. (How cool is that?!) After years of research and experimentation, I now create gluten-free and Paleo food so similar to conventional wheat/dairy/refined sugar recipes that no one feels deprived. Together, through diet and biomedical treatments, our family is overcoming celiac disease, endometriosis, gluten-intolerance, ADD, and autism with great success. I’ve been blogging at since 2008, and published several cookbooks, including the brand new Easy Paleo Meals! Connect with Kelly: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter[/author_info] [/author]

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