Fan Photos Giveaway Round-Up

A few months ago, the paleo food blog-o-sphere went buckwild when Robb Wolf called for entries into a holiday round-up competition. There were some awesome judges and prizes for those that won in their category.  Thanks to your votes for our Beef Bacon Brunch Casserole, we’ve got some prizes to share!

Since our blogging friends Tara from The Foodie and the Family and George from Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations were our co-horts in this adventure, we wanted them to join in on the fun too.  After some pontification, here’s the giveaway we’ve come up with: submit your fan photos to That’s it!

  1. Make any recipe from Paleo Parents, The Foodie and the Family and Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations
  2. Take a photo and submit it to by February 15th (two weeks) – make sure to tell us which recipe you made from which site
  3. On February 16th, each site will make a facebook album and/or post with all of the submitted photos for their recipe posts and our readers will “vote” for the Favorite Fan Photo winner in the comments of that post or by “liking” their favorite photo(s)

Prizes: the reader voted Favorite Fan Photo for each site will win a prize. You can submit and win for 3 prizes! The more recipes you make and submit, the greater chance you have of winning!

  1. If you’re voted Favorite Fan Photo for Paleo Parents you’ll win a $25 Gift Certificate to Paleo Brands
  2. If you’re voted Favorite Fan Photo for Foodie and the Family you’ll win a copy of Paleo Comfort Foods
  3. If you’re voted Favorite Fan Photo for Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations you’ll win a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate

Feel free to upload the photo(s) on Facebook and tag our page(s) – we love to “chat” over there (Paleo Parents, The Foodie and the Family, and Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations)! Here are some entries we’ve received previously (these do not count unless resubmitted), just to showing you what our food looks like on other people’s plates!

But, we can only count entries submitted to so don’t forget to e-mail the photo and name of the recipe!

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