Eats from the Web: Our Weekly Family Meal Plan + LIVE Soda Kombucha Giveaway!

Eats from the Web: Our Weekly Family Meal Plan + LIVE Soda Kombucha Giveaway! Paleo Parents

This week’s menu, although a little short (because vacation, woohoo!), is made entirely with recipes from the web! And most of them are cooked in our favorite pan: cast iron. We love using our cast iron pan– not only does it make food taste incredible, but it is extremely versatile (think steak AND pancakes), and it’s super easy to clean (just wipe it out!).

We also have a fun giveaway for you this week! Have you tried LIVE Soda yet? We love a good kombucha- especially when it tastes like the sodas we used to drink. LIVE Kombucha Soda tastes like soda, but has very little sugar, and contains all the benefits of probiotics that we love! And we’re giving away A MONTH’S SUPPLY!! Entering is simple (see the bottom of this post) and one lucky person will win SO MUCH GOODNESS!!

Now, on to this week’s meal plan!

Here’s what we ate for dinner this week:


Monday: Housewarming party for our friends, That Paleo Couple
—>Blueberry Breakfast Cookies recipe from our blog.

What better way to warm a house than with blueberry breakfast cookies- a long time family favorite!

Blueberry Breakfast Cookies at PaleoParents, Eats from the Web: Our Weekly Family Meal Plan + LIVE Soda Kombucha Giveaway! Paleo Parents

Monday: Grain-Free Dutch Pancake with Apples & Bacon and Meat French Toast
—> Grain-Free Dutch Pancake with Apples and Prosciutto recipe from The Urban Poser
—> Meat French Toast recipe from Ditch the Wheat, but available on our blog

This beautiful, big pancake topped with sautéed apples and salty bacon hit the spot. A side of- that’s right: Meat French Toast (highly recommend you try it!) was a great breakfast for dinner meal!

dutch pancake, Eats from the Web: Our Weekly Family Meal Plan + LIVE Soda Kombucha Giveaway! Paleo Parents

Tuesday: Double Garlic Cast Iron Meatballs with Fauxmato Sauce and Salad
—> Double Garlic Cast Iron Meatballs recipe from Whole-Fed Homestead
—> Fauxmato Sauce recipe from our blog
—> Salad is whatever veggies we have in the fridge, but you can find inspiration —> here!

These meatballs were simple and easy to make, full of flavor, and very tender. Topped with our fauxmato sauce and served alongside a side salad, this meal was LOADED with vegetables, and the boys ate them all up!

Cast-iron-meatballs, Eats from the Web: Our Weekly Family Meal Plan + LIVE Soda Kombucha Giveaway! Paleo Parents

Photo courtesy of Whole-Fed Homestead


Wednesday: Caprese Eggs and Grain-Free Flatbread
—> Caprese Eggs recipe coming soon!
—> AIP Flatbread recipe from The Domestic Man

Caprese Eggs is a new recipe we developed this week (using fresh basil from our own plant!) and we hope to share it with you soon!

caprese eggs, Eats from the Web: Our Weekly Family Meal Plan + LIVE Soda Kombucha Giveaway! Paleo Parents

Thursday: Leftovers- clean out the fridge night!
We were headed out of town for a special trip, so tonight was “eat all the veggies and leftovers so they don’t sit in the fridge for a week and go to waste” night!

Friday: VACATION! 
We’re off! Find us over on Instagram as we eat gluten-free in Orlando and take the boys on a dream-come-true trip!

LIVE Kombucha Soda Giveaway!

Want to win a month’s supply of LIVE Soda? Want to experience kombucha that tastes like cola or root beer or orange soda? Enter here and you can win coupons for a month of LIVE Kombucha Soda! It’s so easy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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