We live in Northern Virginia, otherwise know as the ‘burbs of DC. It’s lovely here, free cultural events and endless activities. There’s also a plethora of places to visit nearby. In the past few weeks we’ve made several roadtrips – to Ocean City, Maryland, Chincoteague Island on the Eastern Shore and now to our regular U-Pick farm, Great Country in Bluemont, Virginia.
I normally ride shotgun, or in the back row in order to nurse the baby in a contorted position leaning over him, and this has allowed my recent enlightenment. Whereas I usually marvel at the beautiful shade trees, architecture, abundant wild life and farm land – I’ve noticed something about all that luscious land: corn.
At first I was thinking the northern east coast was “special” at making corn (we did settle here, after all) and that’s why it was our region’s crop. But recently logic has taken over. “The Informant” reminded me, actually. All this corn is being grown for modification, for the destruction of American health. Those luscious green fields are what HFCS everywhere looks like in it’s raw state. And corn meal. And nutritionally void food for our pets and livestock. It’s not for summer BBQ’s and juicy grins from its natural sweetness.
It’s been a disappointing discovery. Now I can’t enjoy the car rides the way I used to, I’m seeing too much to be disgusted by.