5 Friday Favorites: Couch Potato Edition

Hey everyone! It’s really a series because here’s the second installment of 5 Friday Favorites. Inspired by Valentine’s Week and snuggling loved ones, we’ve focused this week’s 5 favorites on all things snuggling on the couch.

The goal with the series is to simply provide you with 5 things we loved this week. It could be products we’re using, services we can’t quit, or vacation spots we loved. Or maybe just a moment we spent playing a game together. Either way, we aim to capture glimpses of our life here on the blog rather than just on social media. And in doing so, maybe we’ll inspire you to find something you love, too! ♥

5 Friday Favorites: Couch Potato Edition

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1 – Vital Proteins

Did you know we partnered with Vital Proteins to offer discounted bundles of our favorites?

Before we dive into suggesting you binge TV and eat (chicken) chips this weekend, may we suggest a healthy way to get some gut healing vitamin & mineral-rich nutrition?

For years we’ve been singing the praises of adding Collagen to your diet to strengthen bones, hair, nails, gut, skin and everything in between! It’s especially healthful when recovering from illness or travel, as I have been this month. When people ask how I get my hair, lashes, or eyebrows the way they are, I always say it’s the collagen! And Vital Proteins is the best brand of collagen you can find (our FAQ page here).

2 – Binge-worthy Watching: Russian Doll on Netflix & Isn’t It Romantic in theaters.

On Valentine’s Day, we went out to the movies like a traditional couple and saw a romantic comedy, like you do. Except Isn’t It Romantic is not a traditional romcom, it’s a cynical look at the genre and what it teaches you about love. At every turn, this movie hilariously riffs on the tropes and bad messages these movies often tell you and leaves you with the message we’re always trying to share: the only person you need to love you is YOU!

Rebel Wilson from the Pitch Perfect series is one of our favorites and she is very funny in this. Liam Hemsworth and Adam Devine are her romantic foils and are both terrific. We absolutely recommend this one!

This week we also binge watched all of the new series Russian Doll on Netflix and absolutely loved it. We’re big nerds, of course, and really enjoy a sci-fi thinking show that leaves us pondering well after we finish, and this show scratched that itch. It stars Natasha Lyonne of Orange Is the New Black and American Pie fame as a woman who inexplicably finds herself dying and restarting life from the same point over and over again.

We thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns the series took, but we especially recommend it because the whole season is 4 hours long, meaning you will finish it in a week (or day) and we can discuss it together!

3 – Butcher Box

We resisted joining Butcher Box for so long, because we like to support local farms. But with a busy schedule and our cow or pig shares only being certain time of year, we found ourselves picking up meat at Costco or other places that was less than our preferred quality (i.e. humanely, sustainably raised). Having this monthly deliver to supplement our freezer stash has been exactly what we needed! Delivered to our door is always a win. 🙌

We cannot recommend it enough! If you haven’t yet joined, you will get 2 FREE Filet Mignons, the tenderest steak you can get, plus free bacon and $10 off. Yes, please! The quality is outstanding and the flavor is sensational. You have to give it a try!

4 – Wilde Chicken Chips

If you’re a lover of salty or spicy crunch snacks, we’ve got an interesting product for you! Wilde has invented a chip that’s made from tapioca and chicken meat that crunches like a potato chip, but without the massive carb overload. Each serving of chips packs 7 grams of protein and only 10 grams of carbs – compared to potato or plantain chips this is a huge improvement!

I’m snacking on the AIP-friendly salt and vinegar ones, but the boys are enjoying the spicy buffalo, jalapeno and barbecue ones. We definitely recommend that you try them out! Buy them here!

5 – Houseplants

You saw this coming, right? I mean… our EPIC blog post this week PLUS a brand-new podcast with even more science? It’s been the topic we’ve been sharing and talking about, so of course it’s a favorite this week! And, if you’re spending a lot of time on your sofa eating chicken chips and watching Netflix, you’ll want some air purifiers…

Check out our extensive post about the TOP 10 HEALTHIEST HOUSEPLANTS: PURIFY AIR, NON-TOXIC TO PETS, AND HARD TO KILL. We’re giving you our recommendations about what’s going to work best in your house.

Then listen to Episode 339 of The Paleo View titled HEALTHIEST HOUSEPLANTS THAT DETOXIFY AND PURIFY OUR AIR and listen to Stacy taking the lead and sharing everything you need to know about plants for cleaning your air!

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