Ep. 174, The Healing Kitchen is Here
On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah chat about the release of Sarah’s book, The Healing Kitchen, and about all that is being done to celebrate this special release!
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 174, The Healing Kitchen is Here
- Intro (0:00)
- News and Views (0:56)
- Welcome back to America Sarah!
- The Healing Kitchen released this week, and people are loving it – and Sarah notes that there is no greater feeling than that!
- Sarah went back to Canada for two days and was able to leave signed copies of The Healing Kitchen at Cultured Caveman in Portland, Tanner’s Bookstore in Sydney, British Columbia, and at Bolen Books in Victoria Canada at Hillside Mall
- Sarah and Alaena are hosting virtual book signings, and you can access the virtual event and all the details through Sarah’s YouTube
- Sarah and Alaena are also sending out personalized book plates, and is all you have to do is send proof of purchase to contact@thepaleomom.com with the subject line ‘book plate’ and let Sarah know the mailing address and who you want the book plate made out to and they will send it along
- Sarah and Alaena’s book release party in Atlanta – get all the details and register here
- Matt and Stacy cooked out of The Healing Kitchen for an entire week and feasted like kings – see all the details here
- How Alaena and Sarah went about developing recipes for The Healing Kitchen
- As you are getting the book and cooking from it, please tag your shares with #TheHealingKitchen so we can see your results and hear what you think about it
- Please also take a moment to post reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, anywhere else you see the opportunity to leave a review – these are helpful when others are looking to purchase the book
- Sarah is running a $1000 AIP foods and gift certificates giveaway, get all the details here
- All that Stacy is planning for in the year ahead that is not business related
- The fun Mickey and Sarah had while Sarah was visiting
- Thanks everyone for listening!
- Outro (29:37)