Ep. 151, Exercise Performance & Gut Health
On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah revisit the topic of exercise performance and general movement, and how to optimize these two things to support your health goals and a healthy gut.
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 151, Exercise Performance & Gut Health
- Intro (0:00)
- News and Views (0:56)
- Stacy’s love for Tove Lo
- The women’s soccer team win and the pay gap
- ESPN bodies issue
- Inspired by this ESPN article, this week’s show will be focused on activity and how it plays into your overall health
- How Stacy and Sarah work on incorporating general activity into their day, and not just with dedicated exercise time, but general movement patterns throughout the day
- The challenge with incorporating consistent movement
- Science with Sarah (17:32)
- The need to avoid really intense exercise, but how individual that intense point is from one person to the next
- The connection between intense exercise and a leaky gut (for more on leaky gut see this episode and The Paleo Approach)
- Strategies for mitigating a leaky gut when we are doing a more intense exercise
- The longterm perspective on how to become stronger and more agile, without undermining your health
- What Stacy does to support her intense lifts
- Questions & Answers (29:45)
- Natalie – what is the right rule of thumb when it comes to water intake when lifting weights or participating in HIIT, like CrossFit?
- Melissa – how much is too much exercise?
- Thank you everyone for listening – we will be back next week!
- Outro (55:22)